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中国机器人发展史 基本信息
商品名称: 创新中国系列-中国机器人(英) 开本: 16开
作者: 王鸿鹏;马娜 定价: 128.00
ISBN号: 9787508540092 出版时间: 2019-01-01
出版社: 五洲传播出版社 印刷时间: 2019-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
......中国机器人成长的过程也是中国经济发展的历程。本书通过大量人物回忆和纪实访谈,记述了以“中国机器人之父”蒋新松和王天然、曲道奎为代表的科技知识分子研发机器人的曲折经历,同时对智能制造这一当今世界颇受关注的高科技领域在战略层面和科技伦理层面进行了深入的剖析和思考,就诸多全球面临的问题提出了前沿性观点。中国科研技术人员从夹缝求生到征战市场,一路闯关攻坚,终将中国机器人打造成大国重器,把“中国制造”推向“中国智造”。China’s robots have grown alongside China’s economy. With a large number of recalled stories and documentary interviews, this book describes the bumpy journey of how Chinese technical intellectuals, represented by the “father of Chinese robots”, Jiang Xinsong, Wang Tianran and Qu Daokui developed the machines. The book also analyses and reflects on smart manufacturing—a high-tech sector attracting enormous attention from strategic and ethical perspectives—and, thus, proposes forward-looking ideas on multiple global issues. Chinese researchers and technicians have struggled to make breakthroughs despite the great difficulties experienced in introducing Chinese robots to the market and have transformed robots into competitive creations. They have upgraded “made in China” to “smart manufacturing in China”.王鸿鹏,中国作家协会会员,中国报告文学学会理事。1986 年毕业于中国人民解放军空军雷达学院(现为空军预警学院)自动化系统工程专业;1997 年转业至济宁市委宣传部。1981 年开始发表作品。获奖及代表作主要有《共和国的天空》《压不弯的脊梁》《神奇的蓝天骄子——空军八一飞行表演大队改装纪实》《十三亿人乐了——中国医改新模式》《生命线上的奇迹》等。马娜,军旅女作家,毕业于解放军艺术学院。系中国作家协会会员,中国报告文学学会青年创作委员会副主任,首届茅盾文学新人奖获得者、徐迟报告文学奖获得者、解放军总后军事文学奖获得者。长篇报告文学《滴血的乳汁》入选2013 年度十大报告文学排行榜;报告文学《天路上的吐尔库》入选2014 年度十大报告文学排行榜。编辑的《国旗阿妈拉》获中宣部第十二届“五个一工程”奖。Wang Hongpeng is a member of the China Writers Association and a member of the Chinese Reportage Association. He joined the 24th Division of the Air Force. In 1986, he graduated from the Air Force Radar (now Early Warning) College with a degree in automation system engineering and in 1997 he left the Air Force and started work in the Publicity Department of the CPC Jining Municipal Committee. He started publishing literary works in 1981. Among others, his award-winning and representative works include The Sky of the Republic, The Unbending Backbone, The Magical Sons of the Blue Sky—a Documentary of the Air Force’s August 1st Air Show Brigade Refit, 1.3 Billion People Are Happy—The New Model of China’s Medical Reform and Miracle of Life.Ma Na is a female army writer, a member of the China Writers Association and the Deputy Director of the Young Creative Writers Committee of the Chinese Reportage Association. She won the first Mao Dun Literature Newcomer Prize, the Xu Chi Reportage Excellence Award and the PLA General Logistics Department Military Literature Award. Her full-length report, Breast Milk Flowing with Blood, was selected in the top ten excellent reports in 2013 and her report, Turghun on the Road, was selected in the top ten excellent reports in 2014. The Flag Raiser, a book she edited, was awarded the 12th award for the best theatre, TV series, book, theoretical article and movie by the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee.
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