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【中商原版】混乱的猴子 硅谷内部的赚钱机器 英文原版 Chaos Monkeys Inside the Silicon Valley money machine 一窥硅谷疯狂
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创企AdGrok的创始人兼Facebook产品经理Antonio Garcia-Martinez力作



作者Antonio Martinez作为一个内部人士(Facebook员工),提供给了读者们一扇明亮的窗口,用以窥探硅谷的工作机制。想象一下,一只黑猩猩通过数据中心肆虐硅谷,从Google到Facebook。基础设施工程师使用这个“凌乱的猴子”软件来测试在线服务的稳定性,挑战在随机失败中生存的能力,并在问题实际发生之前就纠正错误。


Liar’s Poker meets The Social Network in an irreverent exposé of life inside the tech bubble, from industry provocateur Antonio García Martínez, a former Twitter advisor, Facebook product manager and startup founder/CEO.

The reality is, Silicon Valley capitalism is very simple:

Investors are people with more money than time.

Employees are people with more time than money.

Entrepreneurs are the seductive go-between.

Marketing is like sex: only losers pay for it. 

Imagine a chimpanzee rampaging through a datacenter powering everything from Google to Facebook. Infrastructure engineers use a software version of this “chaos monkey” to test online services’ robustness—their ability to survive random failure and correct mistakes before they actually occur. Tech entrepreneurs are society’s chaos monkeys, disruptors testing and transforming every aspect of our lives, from transportation (Uber) and lodging (AirBnB) to television (Netflix) and dating (Tinder). One of Silicon Valley’s most audacious chaos monkeys is Antonio García Martínez.

After stints on Wall Street and as CEO of his own startup, García Martínez joined Facebook’s nascent advertising team, turning its users’ data into profit for COO Sheryl Sandberg and chairman and CEO Mark “Zuck” Zuckerberg. Forced out in the wake of an internal product war over the future of the company’s monetization strategy, García Martínez eventually landed at rival Twitter. He also fathered two children with a woman he barely knew, committed lewd acts and brewed illegal beer on the Facebook campus (accidentally flooding Zuckerberg's desk), lived on a sailboat, raced sport cars on the 101, and enthusiastically pursued the life of an overpaid Silicon Valley wastrel.

Now, this gleeful contrarian unravels the chaotic evolution of social media and online marketing and reveals how it is invading our lives and shaping our future. Weighing in on everything from startups and credit derivatives to Big Brother and data tracking, social media monetization and digital “privacy,” García Martínez shares his scathing observations and outrageous antics, taking us on a humorous, subversive tour of the fascinatingly insular tech industry. Chaos Monkeys lays bare the hijinks, trade secrets, and power plays of the visionaries, grunts, sociopaths, opportunists, accidental tourists, and money cowboys who are revolutionizing our world. The question is, will we survive?

Antonio Garcia Martinez 


他是高盛的一名策略专家,从事收集并研究大量数据的工作。他前往硅谷试图成立自己的公司,被当时尚未上市的 Facebook 网罗进广告部门担任产品经理。之后,他又因为 Facebook 的内部斗争,转战 Twitter 的阵营。

Antonio Garcia Martinezhas been an advisor to Twitter, a product manager for Facebook, the CEO/founder of AdGrok (a venture-backed startup acquired by Twitter), and a strategist for Goldman Sachs.

He lives on a forty-foot sailboat on the San Francisco Bay.

作者:Antonio Garcia Martinez

出版社: Ebury Press (2017年2月28日)

平装: 528页


ISBN: 1785036467

条形码: 9781785036460

商品尺寸: 11 x 3.3 x 17.8 cm

商品重量: 281 g

ASIN: 1785036467


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