• 最后更新 2023-12-03
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海外直订Machines of Youth: America's Car Obsession 年轻人的机器:美国人对汽车的痴迷
10.0折 原价:¥933.00
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  • 中华商务图书专营店


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Machines of Youth traces the rise, and more recently the fall, of car culture among American teens. In this book, Gary S. Cross details how an automobile obsession drove teen peer culture from the 1920s to the 1980s, seducing budding adults with privacy, freedom, mobility, and spontaneity. Cross shows how the automobile redefined relationships between parents and teenage children, becoming a rite of passage, producing new courtship rituals, and fueling the growth of numerous car subcultures. Yet for teenagers today the lure of the automobile as a transition to adulthood is in decline.Tinkerers are now sidelined by the advent of digital engine technology and premolded body construction, while the attention of teenagers has been captured by iPhones, video games, and other digital technology. And adults have become less tolerant of teens on the road, restricting both cruising and access to drivers' licenses.

Cars are certainly not going out of style, Cross acknowledges, but how upcoming generations use them may be changing. He finds that while vibrant enthusiasm for them lives on, cars may no longer be at the center of how American youth define themselves. But, for generations of Americans, the modern teen experience was inextricably linked to this particularly American icon.

Cross, Gary S.: - Gary S. Cross is distinguished professor of modern history at Pennsylvania State University and the author of many books including All-Consuming Century: How Commercialism won in Modern America and The Playful Crowd: Pleasure Places in the Twentieth Century.

Biographical Note
Gary S. Cross is distinguished professor of modern history at Pennsylvania State University and the author or coauthor of many books, including most recently Packaged Pleasures: How Technology and Marketing Revolutionized Desire, also published by the University of Chicago Press.

Review Citations
Choice 10/01/2018 pg.0 (EAN 9780226341644)
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