• 最后更新 2023-09-05
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海外直订Nano-Tera.Ch: Engineering the Future of Systems for Health, Environment and Ener Nano-Tera。
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This book presents the overall vision and research outcomes of Nano-Tera.ch, which is a landmark Swiss federal program to advance engineering system and device technologies with applications to Health and the Environment, including smart Energy generation and consumption. The authors discuss this unprecedented nation-wide program, with a lifetime of almost 10 years and a public funding of more than 120 MCHF, which helped to position Switzerland at the forefront of the research on multi-scale engineering of complex systems and networks, and strongly impacted the Swiss landscape in Engineering Sciences.

Biographical Note

Giovanni De Micheli is Professor and Director of the Institute of Electrical Engineering and of the Integrated Systems Centre at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland. He is program leader of the Nano-Tera.ch program. Previously, he was Professor of Electrical Engineering at Stanford University. Prof. De Micheli is a Fellow of ACM and IEEE, a member of the Academia Europaea and an International Honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His research interests include several aspects of design technologies for integrated circuits and systems, such as synthesis for emerging technologies, networks on chips and 3D integration.

Anil Leblebici has received her BSc and MSc degrees in electrical and electronics engineering from Istanbul Technical University in 1984 and 1986, respectively. She has subsequently worked as a software engineer at US Army Corps of Engineers Construction Army Research Laboratory in Champaign, Illinois and at Frasca International Inc., Urbana, Illinois where she developed flight simulator software. She has also taught software engineering at FMV Isik University in Istanbul, Turkey. Since 2005, she has been working as a scientific coordinator at the Integrated Systems Laboratory of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL) in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Martin Rajman is senior researcher at EPF Lausanne, Switzerland and Executive Director of Nano- Tera.ch, a large Swiss Research Program funding collaborative multi-disciplinary projects for the engineering of complex systems in Health and the Environment. His research interests include Artificial Intelligence, Computational Linguistics and Data-driven Systems. He is also active in various large scale industry-research collaborations with major industrial partners.

Patrick Mayor is a physicist and received his PhD in 2005 from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne, Switzerland. His research focused on soft condensed matter: as a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, he studied the phenomena of granular materials. Since 2009, he has been the scientific coordinator of the Nano-Tera.ch program. As such, he is in charge of the consolidated scientific reporting about the research activity carried out in the framework of the program. He is also responsible for Nano-Tera.ch's scientific dissemination, which includes the organization of various events and workshops.

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