• 最后更新 2023-09-04
  • 销量/好评 4 + 评论
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Fluent Forever 英文原版 外语流利说 如何快速学习一门语言且不忘记 进口书籍正版
10.0折 原价:¥75.00
  • 销量
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  • 8+
  • 中图深圳图书专营店


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The greatest challenge to learning a foreign language is the challenge of memory; there are just too many words and too many rules. For every new word we learn, we seem to forget two old ones, and as a result, fluency can seem out of reach. "Fluent Forever" tackles this challenge head-on. With empathy for the language-challenged and abundant humor, Wyner deconstructs the learning process, revealing how to build a foreign language in your mind from the ground up. 

Starting with pronunciation, you'll learn how to rewire your ears and turn foreign sounds into "familiar" sounds. You'll retrain your tongue to produce those sounds accurately, using tricks from opera singers and actors. Next, you'll begin to tackle words, and connect sounds and spellings to imagery, rather than translations, which will enable you to "think" in a foreign language." "And with the help of sophisticated spaced-repetition techniques, you'll be able to memorize hundreds of words a month in "minutes" every day. Soon, you'll gain the ability to learn grammar and more difficult abstract words--"without "the tedious drills and exercises of language classes and grammar books. 

This is brain hacking at its most exciting, taking what we know about neuroscience and linguistics and using it to create the most efficient and enjoyable way to learn a foreign language in the spare minutes of your day.

“A brilliant and thoroughly modern guide to learning new languages. Fluent Forever won't teach you French, or German, or any other language -- but it will teach you how to learn whatever language you do want to learn, and to learn it faster, and more efficiently. If you want a new language to stick, start here.”

--Gary Marcus, cognitive psychologist and author of the New York Times bestseller Guitar Zero


“Aspiring polyglots of the world, take note: this book will help you pick up any new language in record time. If you’re looking for a practical, brain-friendly, field-tested approach to language learning, search no more: you’ve found your guide.”

--Josh Kaufman, bestselling author of The First 20 Hours: How to Learn Anything.Fast!


“Never before have I seen a language-learning method -- or method for learning anything! -- that synchs up so perfectly with our current scientific understanding of how memory works. I now understand why my past attempts to learn other languages (Spanish, German, Latin) have left me with little more than a smattering of near-random vocabulary words, and I'm inspired to try again. Fluent Forever promises a fun, personalized learning regimen that is sure to wire a new tongue into your brain with speed and simplicity. And Wyner’s sharp wit will keep you entertained along the way! I've never been so excited to challenge my mind.”

--Karen Schrock Simring, contributing editor at Scientific American Mind magazine


“Fluent Forever more than meets the daunting challenge of learning a new language by giving the reader a solid game plan based on how people actually learn and memorize information. From the first chapter, I couldn't wait to get started using Wyner's techniques and tons of resources. His writing is engaging, smart, and conversational, making learning a real joy. If you've ever wanted to become fluent in another language, do yourself a favor and start reading Fluent Forever now.”

-Melanie Pinola, Contributor Writer for LIfehacker.com and author of LinkedIn in 30 Minutes


"Fluent Forever is the book I wish I had had during my numerous failed attempts at learning different languages. It’s a refreshingly fun and engaging guide that shows you how to language-hack your brain. Wyner’s done all the hard work so that the reader can actually enjoy the process of becoming fluent in a language quickly!"

--Nelson Dellis, 2011 and 2012 USA Memory Champion


“This is the book I'd use next time I want to learn a new language. It employs an intelligent mix of the latest methods for learning a language on your own using the web, apps, and voice training tips in an accelerated time frame.

--Kevin Kelly, Senior Maverick for Wired Magazine and author of What Technology Wants

  • 商品评价
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  • 纸张品质:很一般!整本书不平整,作为“原版书”这个质量实属不负责任。
  • 2023-06-30
  • 匿名
  • 纸张品质:垃圾 印刷质量:垃圾,所有頁碼位置完全是不一樣的 内容生动性:準備退了 還沒看 内容阅读感受:連排版都是每頁不同的 包装情况:看着像10塊打印的 色彩情况:好醜
  • 2023-06-30
  • 匿名
  • 0天后追评我原本買了三本 前兩本都是正版 還想着可以信任 結果最貴那本給我弄成這樣
  • 2023-06-30
  • 匿名
  • 纸张品质:一般 内容阅读感受:印刷排版奇奇怪怪的
  • 2023-06-30
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