• 最后更新 2023-07-23
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海外直订Ms. Frogbottom's Field Trips Magical Map Collection (Boxed Set): I Want My Mummy 青蛙巴顿女士的野外旅行神奇
10.0折 原价:¥184.00
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  • 中华商务图书专营店


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Magic School Bus meets The Magic Tree House in this school-based chapter book series by bestselling author Nancy Krulik--the first four books now together in a collectible paperback boxed set!

Learning is an adventure in Mrs. Frogbottom's class, because she's got a magic map--one that takes her students all over the world to do battle with mythical monsters no one believes are real. All Mrs. Frogbottom has to do is pull down the map, tap a country with her pointer, and--SHAZAAM!--off they go to a place somewhere far, far away.

Travel with the class as they face a mummy in Egypt, the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland, a vampire in Romania, and trolls in Iceland.

Bestselling and beloved author Nancy Krulik ingeniously approaches geography in a new way as the kids learn about the places they visit while fighting, fleeing, or in some cases actually rescuing monsters.

This paperback boxed set includes first four books of Ms. Frogbottom's Field Trips:
I Want My Mummy!
Long Time, No Sea Monster
Fangs for Having Us!
Get A Hold of Your Elf!

Briggs, Harry: - Harry Briggs has worked as an illustrator for twenty-eight years, including work in editorial, educational, advertising, children's literature, a whole lot of greeting cards, and things he can't even remember! He graduated from Art Center College of Design in 1989 with a BFA in illustration. He has kids, pets, and the other trappings of mid-life. Oh, and his job is the greatest job in the world!

Biographical Note
Nancy Krulik is the New York Times bestselling author of more than 200 books for children and young adults. She is the author of the fan favorite book series Katie Kazoo, Switcheroo; George Brown, Class Clown; How I Survived Middle School; and Magic Bone. She lives in New York.

Harry Briggs has worked as an illustrator for twenty-eight years, including work in editorial, educational, advertising, children's literature, a whole lot of greeting cards, and things he can't even remember! He graduated from Art Center College of Design in 1989 with a BFA in illustration. He has kids, pets, and the other trappings of mid-life. Oh, and his job is the greatest job in the world!

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