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爱丽丝漫游仙境与镜中奇遇记 诺顿注释版 精装 英文原版 The Annotated Alice: 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition
9.2折 原价:¥288.00
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  • 中国国际图书专营店


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Product Details 基本信息 ISBN-13 书号 9780393245431 Author 作者 LewisCarroll Pages Number 页数 432页 Publisher 出版社 WW Norton & Co Publication Date 出版日期 20150828 Product Dimensions 商品尺寸 3.81 x 25.65 x 22.35 cm Shipping Weight 商品重量 1430 Book Description 内容简介

A richly illustrated and expanded collector’s edition of Martin Gardner’s The Annotated Alice, including Through the Looking-Glass, to celebrate the 150th anniversary of Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland

One summer afternoon in 1862, the Rev. Charles Lutwidge Dodgson took a rowboat out on the Thames. With him were three young friends from the Liddell family―the sisters Lorina, Edith, and Alice. Dodgson often spun fairy tales on these boating trips to pass the time, and on this particular afternoon the story was particularly well received by Alice, who afterwards entreated him to write it down for her. Dodgson recalled the pivotal moment thusly: "In a desperate attempt to strike out some new line of fairy-lore, I had sent my heroine straight down a rabbit-hole, to begin with, without the least idea what was to happen afterwards."

The tale, initially titled Alice's Adventures Under Ground, became Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, which Dodgson published in 1865 as Lewis Carroll. So began the journey, now in its 150th year, of one of the most beloved stories of all time.

The Annotated Alice: 150th Anniversary Deluxe Edition compiles over half a century of scholarship by leading Carrollian experts to reveal the history and full depth of the Alice books and their enigmatic creator. This volume brings together Martin Gardner’s legendary original 1960 publication, The Annotated Alice; his follow-ups, More Annotated Alice and the Definitive Edition; his continuing explication through the Knight Letter magazine; and masterly additions and updates edited by Mark Burstein, president emeritus of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America. In these pages Lewis Carroll's mathematical riddles and curious wordplay, ingeniously embedded throughout the Alice works, are delightfully decoded and presented in the margins, along with original correspondence, amusing anecdotal detours, and fanciful illustrations by Salvador Dalí, Beatrix Potter, Ralph Steadman, and a host of other famous artists.

Put simply, this anniversary edition of The Annotated Alice is the most comprehensive collection of Alice materials ever published in a single volume. May it serve as a beautiful and enduring tribute to the charming, utterly original "new line of fairy-lore" that Lewis Carroll first spun 150 years ago.

The deluxe anniversary edition of The Annotated Alice includes:

  • A rare, never-before-published portrait of Francis Jane Lutwidge, Lewis Carroll's mother
  • Over 100 new or updated annotations, collected since the publication of Martin Gardner's Definitive Edition of The Annotated Alice in 1999
  • More than 100 new illustrations, in vibrant color, by Salvador Dalí, Beatrix Potter, Ralph Steadman, and 42 other artists and illustrators, in addition to the original artwork by Sir John Tenniel
  • A preface by Mark Burstein, president emeritus of the Lewis Carroll Society of North America, and all of Gardner's introductions to other editions
  • A filmography of every Alice-related film by Carroll scholar David Schaefer
225 color and black-and-white illustrations


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