• 最后更新 2023-07-03
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海外直订Shapers of Worlds Volume III: Science fiction and fantasy by authors featured on 世界的塑造者第三卷:由极光
10.0折 原价:¥198.00
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From outer space to inner space, from realms of magic to the here-and-now, from the distant past to the far future, the stories and poems in this third collection of science fiction and fantasy by authors featured on the Aurora Award-winning podcast The Worldshapers will take you on incredible adventures in the company of unforgettable characters.
A pampered, overweight cat from the present saves the world from alien invasion in Ancient Egypt. A musician whose special horn helped bring down the walls of Jericho is fated to bring down walls again and again throughout history. A house ghost is troubled by a new owner who proves unhauntable. Robots programmed to love humanity take the only action they can to save us from ourselves. A CDC agent is prepared to do whatever it takes to prevent a novel pathogen from spreading . . .

Shapers of Worlds Volume III features new fiction from Griffin Barber, Gerald Brandt, Miles Cameron, Sebastien de Castell, Kristi Charish, David Ebenbach, Mark Everglade and Joseph Hurtgen, Frank J. Fleming, Violette Malan, Anna Mocikat, James Morrow, Jess E. Owen, Robert Penner, Cat Rambo, K.M. Rice, and Edward Willett, new poetry by Jane Yolen, and previously published stories by Cory Doctorow, K. Eason, Walter Jon Williams, and F. Paul Wilson.

Among these authors are established, international bestsellers and winners of every major award in science fiction and fantasy as well as writers still at the start of what promises to be stellar careers. All of them have crafted stories and verse that excite, enchant, enlighten, and entertain.
Enter their fantastical worlds, and enjoy!

Willett, Edward: - Edward Willett is the Aurora Award-winning author of more than sixty books of science fiction, fantasy, and non-fiction for readers of all ages, including twelve novels for DAW Books, the latest of which is The Tangled Stars, a humorous far-future space-opera heist novel featuring a talking genetically modified AI-uplifted cat who becomes a starship captain. Ed owns and operates Shadowpaw Press, which publishes new work by established and emerging authors and new editions of notable, previously published work. A past president of SF Canada, he is currently vice-president of SaskBooks, the professional association of publishers in Saskatchewan. He has a university-age daughter, Alice, and lives in Regina, Saskatchewan, with his wife, Margaret Anne Hodges, P.Eng., and their black Siberian cat, Shadowpaw.
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