• 最后更新 2023-05-24
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海外直订What's Your Rate?: How to Buy a Home and Secure Your Financial Future at the Sam 你们的价格是多少如何在买房
10.0折 原价:¥168.00
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  • 中华商务图书专营店


    担保交易,安全保证,有问题不解决可申请退款。购买前请询问清楚卖家,以卖家承诺为准! 自动发货商品,随时可以购买,付款后在订单详情下载,零等待。 不同会员等级尊享不同购买折扣。





Your One-Stop-Shop in the Home Buying Process What Every Homeowner Needs to Know Before They Sign on the Dotted Line Thinking about buying a home? The dream of home ownership has become a reality for millions of people in the last few years. With this book in hand, now it can be yours too. What's Your Rate? How to Buy a Home and Secure Your Financial Future at the Same Time offers a unique perspective into the process of buying a home. At the same time, it helps you to formulate a financial plan and put together your financial team. Don't neglect to consider your insurance needs, investment strategies, college funding, estate planning or passing on a legacy. These critical factors are often overlooked while transacting what is, for most people, the single largest purchase they'll ever make--their home. This definitive guide is unique in that all of the home buying and financial planning information is related through a compelling narrative centered on a young family--a family probably a lot like yours. They have grown out of their apartment and they are expecting a third child. When a suggestion from a trusted friend is followed--after a discouraging beginning into the home buying process--an all-encompassing plan soon unfolds. Learn how to assemble your team of trusted advisors and put together a comprehensive plan for the future. This is a must read for anyone considering buying a home, and for the Core-7 business professional looking to create a system to help in that endeavor.

Mark Maiocca: - MARK MAIOCCA is a licensed mortgage loan officer with over 14 years in the industry. He has designed a process that has generated hundreds of referrals for his Core 7 business partners. A University of Massachusetts at Amherst graduate, who maintains several mortgage and financial certifications, Mark has taught continuing education classes for many years in the Boston area. With nearly one billion dollars in loans under management, he has consistently been in the top 1% of all loan originators in the country, and has been honored with several industry awards. He and his wife reside in Newton, MA where they are active in many local charities and organizations, and are busy raising their three beautiful children.

Biographical Note
Mark Maiocca is a licensed mortgage loan officer with over 14 years in the industry. He has designed a process that has generated hundreds of referrals for his Core 7 business partners. A University of Massachusetts at Amherst graduate, who maintains several mortgage and financial certifications, Mark has taught continuing education classes for many years in the Boston area. With nearly one billion dollars in loans under management, he has consistently been in the top 1% of all loan originators in the country, and has been honored with several industry awards. He and his wife reside in Newton, MA where they are active in many local charities and organizations, and are busy raising their three beautiful children.

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  • 2、营销推广:未达到卖家描述标准的;


  • 3、发货:手动发货商品,在卖家未发货前就申请了退款的;



  • 注:符合上述任一情况的,均支持退款,但卖家予以积极解决问题则除外。交易中的商品,卖家无法修改描述!

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  • 3、点卡软件商品,默认按商品详情作为纠纷评判依据(特别声明或有商定除外);

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