• 最后更新 2023-05-22
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海外直订They Lied: The Real Cost of Your Retirement 他们撒了谎:你退休的真正成本是多少
10.0折 原价:¥123.2
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  • 中华商务图书专营店


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Exposing the Lie! Discover the "Actual' Cost of Your Retirement...

Did you do everything you were supposed to do to ensure you and your family can enjoy your retirement? You saved and put away faithfully. You may have even put extra money into your 401(k) and IRA. Now it is time to retire, and you have probably discovered that they lied. You have been told your whole working career not to worry about taxes when you retire. That was a lie! Taxes are potentially the biggest expense you pay in retirement along with medical costs! You have also been told not to worry about your medical expenses in retirement because you would have Medicare. But did you know that if you did a good job saving, your Medicare costs could potentially be 3-4 times more than an average person? When you start taking income from your IRA or 401K that is the moment that all of these problems START and these problems have a price tag. When these problems are not addressed, it could potentially cost you and your family hundreds of thousands of dollars in retirement. Do yourself, your family, and your loved ones a favor and educate yourself before it is too late!

Imagine knowing exactly how you can start taking income from your investments, and how you can pay the least amount of taxes legally allowed! Wouldn't it be great to know exactly how much retirement is going to cost you? Imagine finally getting those answers, finally understanding how this is all supposed to work!

I help people like you in retirement, by eliminating needless Medicare Surcharges that could cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. I make sure you don't lose large amounts of your wealth to taxes and the IRS. You can have a retirement of real significance just knowing how to implement what is being discussed in this book!

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