• 最后更新 2023-04-11
  • 销量/好评 0 + 评论
  • 交易规则(重要)

任天堂充值卡 美元 NS 会员 礼品点卡 美国 eshop美金 激活码美服Switch美区20 50 99 100 USD兑换码自动发货
10.0折 原价:¥53.00
  • 销量
  • 卖家
  • 68+
  • 珂斯岚韵数码专营店


    担保交易,安全保证,有问题不解决可申请退款。购买前请询问清楚卖家,以卖家承诺为准! 自动发货商品,随时可以购买,付款后在订单详情下载,零等待。 不同会员等级尊享不同购买折扣。




Welcome to my store! Here you can find various Nintendo Switch gift cards, including NS membership, eShop USD, and redemption codes. These gift cards can be easily activated in the US eShop, and you can use them to purchase games, DLCs, and other digital content.

Reviews from my buyers:

  • "Master mode on! Have bought it many times. Had some trouble due to network issues but the customer service helped me out. Thank you."
  • "I buy from this seller often, and the delivery is instant. Not bad."
  • "After purchasing, the customer service directly sent the redemption code. It's very convenient to redeem it in the eShop. Great service!"
  • "Fast delivery, not bad."
  • "The gift cards from this store are great. Fast delivery and smooth redemption. Affordable prices."
  • "Quick delivery."
  • "Good store, shipped right after ordering."
  • "This store is deceiving customers! After payment, I used the redemption code provided by the seller, but the system indicated that it had already been used. I contacted the seller, and they asked for my account password to verify if I had used their code. After verifying it was not my fault, they still refused to process the refund. They insisted that I contact the 'official' to confirm the usage time of the card, but I doubt if such an official even exists. The seller is cheating customers, and I demand a refund!"
  • "Fast delivery, happy gaming!"
  • "Instant delivery, great service."
  • "Fast and smooth delivery. Will come back again."
  • "Automated delivery, super fast redemption speed."
  • "Not bad, will come back again."
  • "Instant delivery, very cheap. Will buy again."
  • "Finally received the product I need. It's great value for money, and I'm very satisfied with both the product and the seller. The seller is professional, enthusiastic, and quick to reply. They patiently answered all my questions, and I really appreciate their great service. Not many sellers are like them."
  • "Automated delivery, have repurchased multiple times."
  • "Successful redemption with no problems."
  • "Redemption is lightning fast. Successfully bought a game in the US eShop. Excellent!"
  • "Instant delivery after redemption code. Awesome!"
  • 商品评价
  • 交易规则

  • 发货方式

  • 自动:在特色服务中标有自动发货的商品,拍下后,源码类 软件类 商品会在订单详情页显示来自卖家的商品下载链接,点卡类 商品会在订单详情直接显示卡号密码。


  • 退款说明

  • 1、源码类:商品详情(含标题)与实际源码不一致的(例:描述PHP实际为ASP、描述的功能实际缺少、功能不能正常使用等)!有演示站时,与实际源码不一致的(但描述中有"不保证完全一样、可能有少许偏差"类似显著公告的除外);

  • 2、营销推广:未达到卖家描述标准的;


  • 3、发货:手动发货商品,在卖家未发货前就申请了退款的;



  • 注:符合上述任一情况的,均支持退款,但卖家予以积极解决问题则除外。交易中的商品,卖家无法修改描述!

  • 注意事项

  • 1、在付款前,双方在QQ上所商定的内容,也是纠纷评判依据(商定与商品描述冲突时,以商定为准);


  • 3、点卡软件商品,默认按商品详情作为纠纷评判依据(特别声明或有商定除外);

  • 4、营销推广商品,默认按商品详情作为纠纷评判依据(特别声明或有商定除外);



  • 送码声明

  • 1、送码网作为第三方中介平台,依据双方交易合同(商品描述、交易前商定的内容)来保障交易的安全及买卖双方的权益;

  • 2、非平台线上交易的项目,出现任何后果均与送码网无关;无论卖家以何理由要求线下交易的(如:要求买家支付宝转账付款的,微信转账付款的等),请联系管理举报,本平台将清退卖家处理。