• 最后更新 2023-04-10
  • 销量/好评 0 + 评论
  • 交易规则(重要)

Steam正版 国区激活码 城市天际线 Cities Skylines Key 都市天际线 全DLC机场工业园区乐园大学不夜城cdkey
6.8折 原价:¥19.00
  • 销量
  • 卖家
  • 200+
  • 谦诚数码专营店


    担保交易,安全保证,有问题不解决可申请退款。购买前请询问清楚卖家,以卖家承诺为准! 自动发货商品,随时可以购买,付款后在订单详情下载,零等待。 不同会员等级尊享不同购买折扣。




Introducing Steam official version of Cities Skylines key for China region with all DLCs including Airport, Industrial Park, Amusement Park, University, and After Dark. Lightning-fast automatic delivery and easy activation process. Cheaper than the official website and highly recommended by buyers. Perfect for those who love city-building games.

Buyer Comments:

  • Lightning-fast automatic delivery, normal activation of key, highly recommended, good price! The bonus game was hilarious, thank you!
  • Bought the game with 3 DLCs, already addicted. The game is vast and profound, still learning.
  • After downloading the game again on a new computer, it wouldn't run until I got a link from customer service to fix it. Not sure what the link contained, but it worked after repairing.
  • Updated review: After the repair, the game worked fine. Strange thing is, it showed nothing fixed after the repair, but it worked.
  • Instant delivery of activation code, smooth activation process.
  • Paid and received the key immediately, along with instructions on how to activate it. Highly recommended!
  • The game is official, cheaper than the official website.
  • Fast delivery, great game, no scam. 666!
  • The customer service is patient and helpful.
  • I have bought several games from this seller, and the customer service always answers my questions patiently. The activation code is easy to use on Steam, and I highly recommend buying DLC expansions as well. The price is much cheaper than on Steam, and it's so convenient. Thumbs up!
  • First time buying a game here, excellent customer service with lightning-fast delivery. I missed the free Cities Skylines offer before, but it was too expensive on Steam. Now I'm happy to have bought it at a much lower price.
  • Fast delivery, easy operation, great shop.
  • Excellent customer service with fast delivery.
  • Fast and efficient. Bought it and got the activation code instantly.
  • It's great. Almost a step-by-step guide.
  • Activated successfully, installing it now. It's awesome!
  • Excellent purchasing experience. Customer service and delivery were quick. Ready to play this amazing game, Cities Skylines.
  • Fantastic! Much cheaper than on Steam.
  • 商品评价
  • 交易规则

  • 发货方式

  • 自动:在特色服务中标有自动发货的商品,拍下后,源码类 软件类 商品会在订单详情页显示来自卖家的商品下载链接,点卡类 商品会在订单详情直接显示卡号密码。


  • 退款说明

  • 1、源码类:商品详情(含标题)与实际源码不一致的(例:描述PHP实际为ASP、描述的功能实际缺少、功能不能正常使用等)!有演示站时,与实际源码不一致的(但描述中有"不保证完全一样、可能有少许偏差"类似显著公告的除外);

  • 2、营销推广:未达到卖家描述标准的;


  • 3、发货:手动发货商品,在卖家未发货前就申请了退款的;



  • 注:符合上述任一情况的,均支持退款,但卖家予以积极解决问题则除外。交易中的商品,卖家无法修改描述!

  • 注意事项

  • 1、在付款前,双方在QQ上所商定的内容,也是纠纷评判依据(商定与商品描述冲突时,以商定为准);


  • 3、点卡软件商品,默认按商品详情作为纠纷评判依据(特别声明或有商定除外);

  • 4、营销推广商品,默认按商品详情作为纠纷评判依据(特别声明或有商定除外);



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  • 1、送码网作为第三方中介平台,依据双方交易合同(商品描述、交易前商定的内容)来保障交易的安全及买卖双方的权益;

  • 2、非平台线上交易的项目,出现任何后果均与送码网无关;无论卖家以何理由要求线下交易的(如:要求买家支付宝转账付款的,微信转账付款的等),请联系管理举报,本平台将清退卖家处理。
