编辑推荐 The Adventures of Sam and Doodle: Escape Robot Island is the tale of Sam, a young boy who disobeyed his mother, and his silent-but-wise sidekick, the six-foot-tall dancing hamster named Doodle. When the boy and his pet sneak down to watch a forbidden television show about evil robots, they are taken off to a hidden island where the evil robots are plotting to take over the world. Sam finds himself alone in a cage, begging for a soul to save him. Out of the heavens, Sam's best friend Doodle appears. Doodle is now six feet tall, wearing a tux, and he is constantly dancing Together, the duo uses Doodle's dancing to distract the robots so that Sam can reprogram the robots to be the nice, kind robots they were built to be. Once back home, Sam wonders whether the trip to Robot Island was real or if it was the nightmare his mother warned him he would get from watching the show.
Biographical Note Lisa is constantly inspired by her co-conspirator Matt. Matthew is inspired by his dreams. Lisa eats, writes, and plays Gaelic Football (among other sports) and Matt plays video games, watches movies, and acts in various plays around the city. The two met in Kindergarten and teamed up in Writer's Craft for the creation of the first book in The Adventures of Sam and Doodle series.