编辑推荐 I: Systems.- The Co-Opticon System: Interface, System Architecture, and Implementation of a Collaboratively Controlled Robotic Webcam.- The Tele-Actor System: Collaborative Teleoperation Using Networked Spatial Dynamic Voting.- II: Algorithms.- Exact Frame Selection Algorithms for Agile Satellites.- Approximate and Distributed Algorithms for a Collaboratively Controlled Robotic Webcam.- An Approximation Algorithm for the Least Overlapping p-Frame Problem with Non-Partial Coverage for Networked Robotic Cameras.- Unsupervised Scoring for Scalable Internet-Based Collaborative Teleoperation.- III: Deployment.- Projection Invariants for Pan-Tilt-Zoom Robotic Cameras.- Calibration Algorithms for Panorama-Based Camera Control.- On-Demand Sharing of a High-Resolution Panorama Video from Networked Robotic Cameras.- Conclusions and Future Work.