英文原版 进口图书
作者: Jonny Duddle, Cyber Group Studios
语言: 英语
页数:约 32/册
出版时间: 2021 年 2 月 2 日
尺寸(厘米):约 25.5 x 25.5 x 0.5/册
重量(公斤):约 0.2/册
Gigantosaurus: Rock Out, ROCKY 小恐龙大冒险:舞动的洛基(平装)
Gigantosaurus: Try Again, TINY 小恐龙大冒险:加油吧泰利(平装)
Gigantosaurus: Dream Big, Bill 小恐龙大冒险:比尔,别紧张!(平装)
Gigantosaurus: The Scary Cave 小恐龙大冒险:可怕的山洞(纸板书)
Gigantosaurus: Rock Out, ROCKY
Based on the Gigantosaurus TV series, this charming picture book is the perfect introduction to Rocky, the young parasaurolophus.
Rocky is the FASTEST, STRONGEST, SMARTEST and most HEROIC parasaurolophus in the whole Cretaceous world...or so he thinks! After a series of daring expeditions go a little bit wrong, he learns that he doesn't always have to be the best at everything, and there's a lot he can learn by accepting a little help from his friends.
This fun story is a delightful introduction to Gigantosaurus' popular parasaurolophus, and is the perfect picture book for energetic young readers who can identify with Rocky. Plus, spot Rocky's Giganto cards hidden on every page.
这个有趣的故事是对巨龙流行的副栉龙的愉快介绍,对于能够认同洛基的精力充沛的年轻读者来说,另外,发现隐藏在每一页上的 Rocky 的 Giganto 卡片。
Gigantosaurus: Try Again, TINY
Tiny isn't like the other dinosaurs in her triceratops herd - she loves drawing, singing and making friends with everyone she meets. Her big brother tells her that she needs to be more serious, but with the help of her friends, she sets out to show him that having fun can sometimes get you through some of life's stickiest situations!
This fun story is a delightful introduction to Gigantosaurus' popular triceratops, and is the perfect picture book for bubbly young readers who can identify with Tiny. Plus, spot Tiny's purple flower hidden on every page.
Tiny 不像她的三角龙群中的其他恐龙——她喜欢画画、唱歌,并与她遇到的每个人交朋友。她的哥哥告诉她,她需要更加认真,但在朋友的帮助下,她开始向他展示,玩乐有时可以让你度过生活中至棘手的一些情况!
这个有趣的故事是对巨龙流行的三角龙的一个令人愉快的介绍,对于能够认同 Tiny 的活泼年轻读者来说,另外,发现隐藏在每一页上的 Tiny 的紫色花朵。
Gigantosaurus: Dream Big, Bill
Bill is a VERY nervous little brachiosaurus. While his friends love an adventure, all he wants to do is play somewhere quiet, eat a lot and stay as far away from danger as possible. But when he sees that the scariest dinosaur in the whole of the Cretaceous world is in trouble, will he be able to conquer his fears and help a dino in need?
This fun story is a perfect for cautious young readers who are just like Bill. Plus, spot Bill's tasty coconut snacks hidden on every page.
Gigantosaurus: The Scary Cave
A lift-the-flap adventure through the scariest cave in Cretacia!
Based on the Gigantosaurus TV series.
Rocky dares Tiny, Bill and Mazu to spend the night in the spookiest place in all Cretacia - the Scary Cave. Eager to prove they aren't scaredy-saurs, the gang ventures deep into the gloomy tunnels.
With a big lift-the-flap to open on each double page, discover what's HOWLING, GROWLING and SCREECHING in the dark. And when the little dinos hear a ROAR, they know there's only one thing to do - RUN!
Rocky 敢于让 Tiny、Bill 和 Mazu 在整个 Cretacia 诡异的地方过夜——可怕的洞穴。为了证明他们不是恐暴龙,这伙人冒险深入阴暗的隧道。
Cyber Group Studios 是一家总部位于巴黎的动画电视连续剧和电影的开发商、制片人和发行商,面向法国和国际儿童。他们开发的 Jonny Duddle 屡获殊荣的图画书Gigantosaurus已在全球范围内大获成功,于 2019 年在美国的 Disney Junior 和 2020 年 6 月在英国的 Tiny POP 上推出,现在在全球许多国家播出。系列 2 和 3 正在生产中。2020 年 4 月推出的巨龙视频游戏,正在计划制作故事片。
Cyber Group Studios is a Paris-based developer, producer and distributor of animated television series and movies for children in France and internationally. Their development of Jonny Duddle's award-winning picture book Gigantosaurus has been a major global hit, launching in the US on Disney Junior in 2019, in the UK in June 2020 on Tiny POP, and now airing in the many countries around the world. Series 2 and 3 are in production. A Gigantosaurus video game launched in April 2020, with plans for a feature film underway.